"Semantic proof systems: why and how to stop worrying."
Workshop on “Perspectives on Logic and Philosophy”, Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), January 9--11, 2023. [abstract & slides]
"On the proof theory for relevant logics."
Workshop on New Directions in Relevant Logic, online event, Nov. 2022. [abstract & slides]
"Reduced Routley-Meyer models and labelled sequent calculi for relevant logics."
Autumn Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications 2022, Utrecht University (Netherlands). [abstract]
"Notes on the Proof Theory for Relevant Logics. From Routley-Meyer Semantics to Labelled Sequent Systems."
Logica 2022, The Premonstratensian Monastery of Teplá (Czech Republic). [abstract]
"Remarks on Jaśkowski’s discussive logic. Origins, development and a little proof theory."
The 6th World Congress of Paraconsistency – The 2nd Stanisław Jaśkowski Memorial Symposium, University of Toruń (Poland). [abstract]
"Cut-elimination for Intuitionistic Logic with Actuality resolved via hypersequents."
PhDs in Logic XIII, University of Turin (Italy). [abstract]
"Proof Analysis in Jaśkowski’s Discussive Logic. Cut-admissibility and Embedding theorems."
5th SILFS Postgraduate Conference on Logic and Philosophy of Science, University Bicocca Milan (Italy). [abstract]
"A Cut-free Hypersequent Calculus for Intuitionistic Modal Logic IS5."
Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 18 (LENLS18), Workshop of the JSAI International Symposia on AI 2021, Keio University, Yokohama, Kanagawa (Japan). [abstract]
"The Art of Paradox."
Invited Lecture on K. Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems for the Series "Music and Philosophy Meetings 2018", Italian Institute of Sciences, Literature and Arts, Venice (Italy) .